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3PH Rotary Converters Efficiency

by Dec 9, 2020Guide to 3PH Rotary Converters0 comments

3PH Rotary Phase Converter Efficiency
To simply answer the question of how efficient the Phasemaster 3 phase rotary convert is, “extremely efficient”, this according the Electrical Engineer Larry Katz.
Now, let dive deeper to understand it better.

What is Efficiency?

Energy efficiency is the practice of using less energy to achieve the same result or perform the same task. It can be applied to homes, buildings, manufacturing facilities, and more.

Energy efficiency can help:

  • Reduce energy costs

    Energy-efficient homes and buildings use less energy to heat, cool, and run appliances and electronics.

  • Combat climate change

    Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways to combat climate change. 

  • Improve business competitiveness
    Energy efficiency can help businesses improve their bottom lines.
  • Create jobs
    As of 2022, more than 2.1 million Americans have jobs in energy efficiency.

Here we go

How efficient are phase converters?

Extremely efficient. Losses are generally less than 15% and usually under 10%. One must remember, however, that only one third of the total energy consumed by the load actually passes through the converter. Therefore, the total loss of the converter system is 15% of 33% or about 5% of all the energy consumed. That translates to 95% overall efficiency.

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